Monday, May 31, 2010

Some days, it is a good thing they are cute

They look cute and innocent. Don’t let those cute faces fool you; these boys know how to make some pretty major messes.

Over the last two and a half years I have cleaned up some pretty major disaster areas. Charlie once dumped an entire box off food coloring all over himself and Noah. On one trip home from Georgia we had to pull over into a dollar store parking lot in back-woods Louisiana and just throw away everything Charlie was wearing.

Thing have been spilled on the floor, smeared on the walls, dropped in the toilet and thrown up on, and I have cleaned them up without incident.

Tonight I tackled the worst mess ever to clean up.

Last week I was working on a project that I used a hot glue gun for. Somehow the boys got hold of a glue stick and threw it in the stove. I didn’t see in when I turned the oven on, resulting in a thin layer of hot glue all over the bottom of the stove.

It took me about two hours using a razor blade and a lighter to get the mess up. I have several blisters and a few small cuts on my hands.

I know as they get older the messes will probably get bigger.

I hope they stay cute.

Sunday, May 30, 2010


It never fails. Ever since Noah was three month old I have not been able to go out in public with both of the boys and not get asked at least once if they are twins. I am seriously thinking about getting little flyers printed up to hand out to the sweet little old ladies that want to hear about how I have little boys so close in age. This is the conversation I have at least 10 times a week:

Sweet Old Lady: What cute boys! Are they twins?

Julie: No, they are brothers but not twins.

SOL: They look so close in age! How old are they?

J: Charlie is almost two and a half and Noah is 18 months.

SOL: (counting months in her head)

J: That would make them about nine and a half months apart.

SOL: (Giving me a THIS GIRL IS CRAZY, befuddled look)

J: Well, Noah was two months early, so they were supposed to have a few more months between them.

SOL: Bless your heart (this is what southern ladies say when they don’t have anything nice to say)

I think I am just going to start saying “yes they are twins” and make my life a whole lot easier, and have to explain myself a lot less!

They get it from their Daddy.

One of the more fun parts of being a parent is seeing things that are distinctly you in your children. For example, it is easy to see that Noah’s blond hair comes from Sam and Charlie’s facial features resemble mine. Sam and I like to tease each other as to where some of the less desirable personality traits come from.

If one of the boys is in the middle of a tantrum, Sam will look at me and tell me they didn’t learn that from him. Once Charlie pinched the bottom of our waitress at Catfish House and I know he didn’t see me model that behavior. I also like to think the monkey climbing skills and hard headedness come from Sam while the sweetness and cuteness they have come from me.

However much we like to claim the good traits and pass blame on the bad ones, yesterday I witnessed something that could have only come from Samuel Haag. We had a little spring thunderstorm yesterday afternoon. You would think most toddlers would be scared of the lightning and cry at the thunder. Not the little Haags. Charlie and Noah stood at the window, fascinated by the lightning. Then they giggled at the huge claps of thunder. They giggled like it was the funniest thing they ever heard.

Sam has told me he wished I showed more of an interest in weather…I think all he has to do is wait a few years and he will have two little weather-spotting buddies.

Friday, May 28, 2010

The Big Brother

Charlie is known for being silly and very energetic. I don’t think he gets enough credit for being an amazing big brother at such a young age. When we first brought Noah home, Charlie had to be near him. He would often take his toys over and sit next to Noah when he was in the swing or bouncy chair.

As Noah got bigger and started to crawl, Charlie stopped walking and would crawl around Noah to show him how it was done.

Whenever we put the boys down, Charlie always says, “Night Night Noah!”

If Noah is sleeping Charlie will point back to their bedroom and say, “Shhhhhh, Noah.”

Noah can never get lost when Charlie is around. Charlie does not like it when he cannot keep an eye on Noah. If they are outside playing he will run around yelling “Noah? Noah?” until he is found.

We never had to coach or tell Charlie to look out for his little brother. It is something that just came naturally to him. I think Noah is a lucky little guy to have a big brother like Charlie!!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The Amazing Noah

Noah is 18 months old.

He is in the 80% percentile across the board for 18 month old measurements.

He was less than four and a half pounds when he was born.

He should only be 16 months old.

NICU doctors told me he wouldn’t walk until after he was 15 months old.

He took his first steps at 10 months.

Yesterday he climbed to the top of the Chic-fil-a play-place and showed no fear.

Today he climbed out of his crib at nap time.

Then hopped across the living room.

He can take down and pin his older brother.

We love you Noah, and I know you will continue to grow at your own pace.

I can’t wait to see what you do tomorrow.

Monday, May 24, 2010

New Tricks

Today was an exciting day filled with new tricks! It started off with Charlie learning how to open the baby gate. It was stressful keeping the boys out of the kitchen and I had to make my first call to poison control, but we all survived just fine. The Mimi’s came over in the afternoon and screwed the gate into the wall for me so we can stay safe and I can keep my sanity.

Next, Noah learned how to climb up on to the dresser. He was so proud of himself!! I still cannot believe how fast he has grown up!!!

Most exciting of all, Charlie used the potty for the first time today!! I was SO excited for him!! He was pretty proud of himself too…even Noah clapped for him! I know it is a long road to potty train little boys, but today was an exciting first step!!