Sunday, June 27, 2010

Sometimes you just need a nap #2

After church, I went through the drive-thru at Taco Bell and took Sam some lunch in Lenox. When I got home this is what I saw in the rear-view mirror.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

The Choo Choo

This afternoon I took the boys to Lenox to visit with Sam and to bring him dinner. The Lenox station faces some train tracks, and while we were there a train came through town. The boys were fascinated by it!

The whole time it was going by Charlie was yelling “CHOO CHOO, CHOO CHOO!!”

Bye bye Choo Choo

Sam watching the boys…doesn’t he look old??

Friday, June 25, 2010

A success!

Today I got a much needed boost to my mama self esteem.

I looked in the freezer this morning to discover that we grilled all of our chicken last night. We are a chicken eating family, so I knew I needed to make a trip to Sam’s club. Unfortunately, Sam is working until Monday morning and everyone else had already made plans for the day, so I had to go alone with the boys.

Normally Charlie will not sit in a cart and will scream a lot. Not today. Today, the boys sat sweetly in the cart…and giggled at each other.

Other people in the store actually smiled at us and told me how cute my boys were. Of course, I was also asked about a dozen times if they are twins. I don’t know what they did with their halos for the past few months, but they must have found them and dusted them off for the day.

Charlie and Noah.

Charlie is waving to the plan flying over.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Those boys…

Noah was so sweet this morning. He sat and looked at a book for a long time.

What was Charlie doing? Licking Play-Doh.

I love those boys!!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Sometimes you just need a nap

Noah sleeps with his eyes open like Gigi

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father’s Day!

…AND Happy birthday to SAM!

Sam is such a fun dad for the boys. (I can really see me being the disciplinarian in the family!!) Here are some of my favorite pictures of Sam and the boys.

Sam showing Charlie the fire truck in Texas

Sam showing Charlie a stream in the park in Texas

What a cute baby

Sam and his dad, plus boys

Sam and Noah…I miss our house is Texas!!

Looking at something yummy in the oven

Charlie giving Sam some love

It is impossible to take a good picture at this age!!


The best Father’s Day gift he could get!!

Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Just about normal.

Sam’s job keeps him away from home a lot. He will often ask me how the day is going, if the boys are being ok. Today I told him it was an average day…but what is average these days?

Noah gets up at 6:50, and has to be cuddled for 20 minutes. Charlie wakes up at 7:15, he has he to cuddle for 20 minutes. This never gets old.

Noah refuses to take a morning nap, so he crashes Charlie’s speech therapy session. Charlie does really well; Noah scares the therapist by throwing a block at her head followed by yelling ‘Owwww!!!’

Maddie comes over. I make Sam banana pudding. Maddie plays on the computer. We both fail to notice Charlie has climbed on top of the entertainment center and threw down a bottle of nail polish to Noah. Noah paints himself pink.

Maddie and I go to town to eat lunch with Sam and give him his pudding. Then we go to a furniture store to look at new beds for the boys. The sales man tells me I need to rename the boys ‘Seek’ and ‘Destroy’.

Go to Nannie’s and take a ride through the woods. A giant spider tried to attack us, but Maddie and I team up to kill it.

Come home for nap time. Maddie makes me watch some movie where a cannon ball takes off some poor guys head.

Missy visits, boys wake up.

Make and Eat dinner.


Bed time.

Ahhh, now I have peace. Time to do dishes, laundry, and clean.

Just about a normal day.

Saturday, June 05, 2010


My boys love Madison, and I have a feeling she loves them too.

Maddie doesn’t get mad when they boys lick her, or spit on her, or spit fruit loops in her hair.

She loves to play with them and will even help change them and gives them baths. She will even put them in bed!!

Madison, you are welcome over here anytime!!

Tuesday, June 01, 2010

The Bob-Bob massacre

When I was little, I watched the show Rugrats. I always wonder how Tommy managed to hide screwdrivers and cookies in his diaper without his parents knowing. Now I know. His parents must have spent the better part of the evening with their heads in the stove cleaning up melted hot glue and didn’t notice items being hidden away for later use.

This morning started like any other morning. I woke up to Charlie calling me at 7. When I opened the door I was greeted by this:

My first thought was that Noah finally had enough and must have punched Charlie in the nose. Then I noticed that both boys seemed happy and I couldn’t figure out where they were bleeding from. Then the smell hit me.

Nail polish.

Last night while I was preoccupied with the glue in the stove, Charlie must have climbed up and snatched a bottle of nail polish.

Nail polish ruined both their sheets, pillow cases, and Charlie’s PJ’s . Noah mainly had it on his hands and feet, like Charlie tried to paint his nails.

Enjoy the pictures while I finish bathing my children in nail polish remover.