Friday, July 30, 2010

A Love of BBQ

Sam was grilling ribs tonight and decided to play around with the sauce. Sam and I were tasting it and boys wanted to taste it too, so he gave them each a spoonful. They loved it, and kept coming back for more.

Sam was quite proud of his concoction.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Our first Salmonella experience

Noah, Taking it real easy

Noah has been a sick little guy. It started Wednesday night when he threw up, then had to be held all night. Then over the next three days he went through a 70 count box of diapers. Saturday we took him to Youth Care in Valdosta because blood was in his diapers. They took a sample and called us with the results….Noah has Salmonella. How did he manage to get it, and not the rest of us? I have no idea. He is starting to get better, but it has been a hard week!!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Oh, Cwap.

We have been having an interesting time trying to get Charlie to talk.

Charlie has been making little monkey noises the last few weeks. We are not sure where he got it from, but he pretty much stopped using his words and just made humming/chimp sounds. Then one day we were watching Blues Clues, and it hit me—Charlie had been talking like Blue. We now have a Blues Clues Ban in effect.

Today, we had to go over the Mimi’s to take a shower (we still have no water). I was trying to turn on a cartoon for the boys, but kept hitting the wrong buttons on the remote and couldn’t get it to work. I was starting to get frustrated and said “Oh, crap.” Charlie, imitating me with a Wii remote, exclaimed “Oh, cwap!”

Thankfully, he tends to say something once and then never say it again.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

He has come a long way!

When Noah was born…he was a scrawny little guy. He was cute in the way that all babies are cute…but he needed to fatten up a little! Then he started to fill out…but he had some of the worst baby skin EVER! Not to forget he spit up a lot so he often smelled of baby spit up because I had to limit the number of baths I gave him because he had such dry, peeling skin. It was pretty gross.

Just to prove I am not exaggerating: The day before his four-month appointment, he broke out in another crazy rash. When I took him to the doctor, the doctor looked at it then rushed out of the room to go get another doctor in the practice to look at it. When they returned they huddled around Noah, whispering back and forth to each other then left the room to go consult “the book”. Turns out that Noah’s skin was so bad they thought he might have had rubella (that is the German measles.) Turns out it was just some of the worst dry baby skin they had seen.

Today, you would never know. Around here, we think Noah is pretty darn cute! Madison loves taking pictures of him.

No matter what he looks like, he is turning into a sweet little boy!! We love you Noah!!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


Charlie and Noah are pretty lucky to have a great aunt that really is a GREAT aunt!! Their Aunt Missy loves the boys like they were her own grandsons. The boys love to look out the window in the direction she lives and yell “Mimi! Mimi!” (Mimi is their name for her.)

One day last week we were going to town and went by the shop, but didn’t stop in. Charlie started crying and calling out for his Mimi. They really love this lady!!

(And yes, she doesn’t even mind it when they lick her!!)

Thursday, July 08, 2010


Yesterday I had to go get the boys new crayons…I think they confused theirs for a snack the other day. I saw some paint in the kid’s craft area of Fred’s and figured it might be something new they would enjoy. Charlie loved it and enjoyed paining the paper, the table and himself. Noah was not a big fan…he didn’t like that we would not let him eat the paint.

Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Photography by Madison

Last night Maddie played with our camera while I was making dinner. She took some way cute pictures of the boys!! Maybe she is a budding photographer…

Saturday, July 03, 2010

Summer Fun

Sam called me this morning and demanded that I step outside (this actually happens more than you would think). I am so glad he did! It is a beautiful morning!! No humidity, a slight breeze and it was refreshingly cool. Not what I would expect in Georgia in July. The boys and I took advantage of the unseasonably cool weather and played outside.

Charlie liked pointing out the sky to Noah and me.

Noah was in love with the slide (thanks again Grandma and Grandpa)

Charlie tried to pick up the trampoline (again, thanks Grandma and Grandpa!!)

Charlie had to brush all the dirt and sand that got on him. You would never think that as ‘boy-ish’ that Charlie is, he hates to get dirty!!

Then they decided to rebel and take off one shoe each. When I couldn’t keep shoes on them we had to come inside.