Saturday, September 25, 2010

Hello again, Terrible Twos…We Meet Again so Soon.

I think it is official: my sweet baby Noah is history. In his place I have an independent and extremely goofy toddler, with a strong need to be mischievous. We call him the Wo-wa Monster.

Today I was doing dishes. Not ten feet away from me, Noah managed to get a red marker and color all over himself and the couch.

The damage.


More damage.

What being told ‘No” does to the Wo-wa monster.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Noah the Eater

We have joked, pretty much ever since he came home, about how much Noah likes to eat. He has always had a healthy appetite and has always been able to put more food away than his older brother.

Today the boys were being cute at lunch time so I got out the camera. Charlie had already decided lunch was “eww, yucky” (as he put it) and made faces for the camera. Noah just kept on eating. It is such a perfect example of their little personalities.

The annoying flash from the camera won’t stop him.

Attacks from Charlie are just a minor annoyance.

Charlie’s antics don’t even faze him.

He just keeps eating…

…and eating…

...and eating.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Don’t tell Sam my car is a MESS!

I had to run to Valdosta this afternoon, and the boys were GREAT. It is a long trip for them to just be strapped into the car seat, so I decided I would be a cool mom and get them an ice cream for the ride home. ..yeah, wrong choice.

I couldn’t really see what they were doing back there, but they seemed happy so I didn’t worry about it. Then we got home. WHAT A MESS. Charlie saw Madison had come over, so he got out of his car seat before I could get a picture of him and his mess. Noah was the worst. He didn’t eat his ice cream…he used it as lotion.

During the bath that was mandatory when we got home I discovered the sprinkles stained their skin. I am not sure if it is all ice cream sprinkles that do this or only the ones Bruster’s serves, but it is something I will be much more careful about in the future!

Lesson learned. The boys will not be trusted with ice cream in the car for another couple of years!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Why Does Noah Cover his Eyes?

Oh, Mr. Noah

I am so sorry you hate the flash on the camera!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Charlie Makes a Fashion Statement

Charlie “helped” me do dishes tonight and got his shirt soaked. I told him to go get a new shirt, and he came back with a shirt that he has never worn and is still too big for him. It was the first time he has ever picked out his own shirt. He was so excited to put it on! He then disappeared back in his room, and I found him trying to put his blue plaid shorts on.

Friday, September 03, 2010

A Trip to the Park

I didn’t know Adel had a park when I moved here. Jen didn’t know it either until I told her about it the other day. I took these pictures this morning to show off the equipment to Jen in hope that she will move here and we can take our kids to the park together!!

Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Mr. Compliant

Finally, Charlie is doing something that I hope isn’t just a phase.

For about a week and a half, he has been the most agreeable little guy. If you ask him to do something, he will say, “Ok!” and get to it. He says “Thank you Mama” when I give him something. He is even hugging Noah without being asked to.

This new attitude has been very nice when it comes to Charlie’s speech therapy sessions. He is sitting sweetly and participating in the activities and not fussing when it is time to put the toys away and get to the real work.

I am sure that because I am writing about how compliant Charlie is, he will wake up from his nap and be back to acting like the typical two year old. I can only hope this good attitude will rub off on Noah!