Sunday, November 21, 2010

Missy’s Adventure in Babysitting

Last week Missy watched the boys so I could go get stitches. Normally when she watches the boys they are little angels for her. Not this time.

She had two ‘incidents’ with them. The first one was when she took a minute to use the bathroom. She heard them sliding the kitchen chair across the floor and hurried out to see what they were getting into. She found them both standing on the chair looking in the freezer. Charlie saw her and jumped down and said “Oh crap, get down Noah Franklin!”

A little later Charlie told her he had to go pee (he says ‘Gotta go pee!’) She took him to the bathroom and while she was back there she heard Noah pushing the chair again. She rushed out before he could get into anything and left Charlie on the potty. Charlie shut and locked the door behind her. Missy said she started to panic because she didn’t know what was in there that he could get into and apparently didn’t remember the number to poison control (1-800-222-1222). She tried to coax him to open the door for several minutes before he finally came out…wearing makeup.

I hope she will still watch the boys for us. They really love their Mimi-Nano.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Water Games

The boys have always loved to play with water. A few weeks ago I had the genius idea to let the boys play with bowls of water at the table while I make is a great way to keep them out from under my feet! Savanna took some pictures this afternoon while I cooked.

Friday, November 19, 2010

An Attempt at Christmas Pictures

This morning I tried to get a good picture of the boys for our Christmas card. Looks like I am going to have to wait until I have some help to get a good one. ..

Monday, November 15, 2010

If you give a boy a puppy

On Saturday Sam was working in Adel. Some Good Samaritan found a puppy playing in the road was going to take it to the pound. The pound wasn’t open so they, for some reason, brought it to the ambulance station. Sam called me and wanted me to take it home and look for the owners.

When I got to the station, I saw Sam was in love with this puppy. It was a black lab. I knew I was on the losing end of the battle. I made it very clear I would post a couple of ads on Craigslist and try to find the owners, if no owners claimed the dog then we would give it away. I made it clear I didn’t want a puppy.

The first night with puppy went well. He didn’t bark or whine all night. The owners didn’t claim him, but I had several folks interested in adopting him. I told Sam the good news…and he got all bummed out. He really wanted to keep him…so after much deliberation we decided to keep him. Sam got to name him, so Jethro it is. (Aren’t you so glad I picked out the boy’s names?? If Sam had his way we would have Kyle and Mark or two other yucky names.)

We didn’t have any puppy supplies, so Sunday morning I went to the dollar store to get some stuff. I had to go to Valdosta this morning so I ran to Wal-Mart to get everything else Jethro needed. When I got home I started un-packing everything. I was trying to get the leash off of the packaging and couldn’t find the scissors so I grabbed a knife and tried to cut the ties off. I somehow missed and ended up stabbing myself in the hand.

I got myself between my pointer and middle finger. It was basically big hole that I knew a band-aid wouldn’t fix. I ended up being able to just go to my family doctor and had to get stitches. Well, it ended up just being one stitch. I could have used a few more but the numbing medicine didn’t work on me (surprise, surprise) so I just got one.

So, somehow, getting the boys a puppy led me to get stitches. I just hope they like him. REALLY like him.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Duck Hunt!

The other day Sam found an old Nintendo at a shop in Valdosta. This afternoon he decided he was going to teach Charlie how to play Duck Hunt.

I was surprised a game from 1984 still works!!

Showing him how is works

Remember this guy?

Showing him some aiming techniques


Fun with a laundry basket

The boys love playing with laundry baskets. They have many different ways to play with them...

They call this a choo-choo train.
(note Charlie's blue shirt)

Charlie is under that basket. Noah love to 'catch' him.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

A Green....

Charlie is very into telling me what color shirt people are wearing. Yesterday after I got dressed he pointed to my tank top and said "green shirt", then my sweater and said "black shirt". I praised him and told him, "Charlie, you are wearing a brown shirt with a green dinosaur on it!" He nodded and pointed to his shirt and told me "Brown shirt. Green.....roar!"

Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Happy Second Birthday, Noah!

Today we celebrate Noah's second year of life. He has grown up so much over the last 12 months!! Here are some of our favorite memories from this last year:
Happy birthday, Noah! We love you!