Wednesday, December 29, 2010


It must be rough being a two year old. There is so much they want to be able to express, but their small vocabulary limits what they are able to communicate with the world. Thankfully for him, Noah has coined a word to replace all nouns: deed-en.

Yesterday a deed-en was his blanket, shoes, and phone. Today it was a toy train, chicken, ketchup. Who knows what it will mean tomorrow.

It is a good thing he is a cutie. Yesterday he cried for half an hour before I figured out that the deed-en he was demanding was actually a pickle.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

A lesson on the importance of closing the door

Yesterday I woke up to find we didn’t have water. I am not sure why I have a problem with the water freezing in the pipes down here because I cannot remember a single morning without water in Michigan.

Last night, in an effort to save the water pipes, I left the water running in the bathroom. I turned it on right before I went to bed, but I forgot to close the door behind me.

Sometime during the night the boys got out of their room (something that never happens) and saw the bathroom door was open (something else that never happens.) When I got up this morning I found Noah sleeping on the bathroom floor and Charlie in the boys’ room saying “oh, crap! Oh, crap! Mama-mommy up! Oh, crap!”

Noah managed to spread loose makeup powder all over everything. Once the floor was covered to his satisfaction he dumped the rest in the toilet.

Charlie took eye shadow and lip gloss and painted up one side of his face.

After cleaning everything up I know two things:

Cleaning lip gloss off of cheeks isn’t easy to do after it has been left on for several hours

Next time I go shopping I will need to pick up some new makeup and a locking case to keep it in

Sunday, December 05, 2010


Last night we took the boys to the Adel Christmas parade. Charlie and Noah had such a good time watching the floats and Charlie got really excited when he was people throwing candy.

I love that I can wear flip flops in December

This picture is for Jen.

Waiting for Candy