Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Indoor Snow

Today, Charlie and Noah made a mess. Nothing new, but this mess was picture worthy. Kind of like the nail polish or the glue stick. Someday I am going to want to look back and laugh. Someday in the future when I forget how long to took me to clean a bag of powder sugar off the floor.It all happened when I went on the computer for about two minutes to look for a recipe. When I came out of the bedroom, this is what I found.

Charlie and Noah got the almost full bag of powder sugar out and dumped it; then dumped out a box of baking soda. When I caught them they were ripping open tea bags. It took about two hours to clean up. I don’t think the boys are going to want to ever get into the cupboard again.
"helping" me clean

Monday, January 24, 2011


I love that Charlie and Noah are now officially able to drink out of a juice box! Noah needs to be reminded (over and over) that you have to keep the straw in and not squeeze it. This morning Charlie was asking for a juice box and when I pulled out the "one serving of vegetables" juice he scrunched up his face and told me "no, not that one!" When I pulled out the Yoohoo he got all excited.
I think Charlie will be a great negotiator someday!!

Noah REALLY loves Yoohoo, too. Can't you just see the sugar entering into his bloodstream??

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

“Big” brother

I took the boys to the doctor this afternoon for Charlie’s three year checkup. Charlie weighed in at 32 pounds and is three feet, two inches tall. He is falling in the 50-60 percentiles for his stats. We threw Noah up on the scale just to see what he was up to these days…33 pounds. It is official! Noah is now bigger than his BIG brother!! Who knew this tiny little guy would grow so fast?

(Today Noah decided he likes to put his sippy cup under his shirt and drink it through the fabric….strange kid!!)


This morning I saw this when I opened the door after getting dressed:

In the five minutes it took me to get dressed, the boys got the cheese out of the refrigerator, unwrapped it, found the cheese grater, and started to make a mess. Normally it takes me at least ten minutes to find the cheese grater when I look for it.

Sunday, January 09, 2011

Charlie is (almost) Three!

Today I spent the better part of my day making Charlie’s birthday cake. I went all out this year, and I think it turned out pretty cute. I have very vague memories about my third birthday, but I am pretty sure I had an Oscar the Grouch cake. Since I can remember my third birthday cake, I wanted to make sure Charlie would have a memorable one too.

While I was baking, Charlie decided he didn’t want to wear a shirt anymore while he played with the cars that didn’t make it to the cake.

Noah stayed busy playing with a new Christmas Toy.

One more cake shot: