Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Authority Issues.

I think I have an authority issue. I don’t have a problem with authority. I just don’t think I have any when it comes to kids other than Charlie and Noah (and at times, Madison and Rebecca.)

This afternoon we went to church to have dinner before the service. As soon as we walked in a little girl I had never seen before ran up and asked if Charlie could sit next to her. While Sam got in line to get our dinner I went to sit down with Charlie, Noah and Charlie’s admirer.

(I need to stop here and explain how Charlie has a way with the ladies…specifically, older ladies. He always seems to latch on to a little girl several years older at Chick-fil-a and at church. At one point tonight, two little girls were actually fighting over who got to hold his hand and walk around with him.)

When we sat down, I noticed I was surrounded by a lot of kids in the 4-8 age range, and I didn’t see a parent around. I really have no idea who the kids belong to or if their parents just dropped them off. They seemed to all come to some unspoken agreement that I was responsible for them. All of a sudden I was fetching more butter for their rolls, cleaning up their spills and giving permission to go get more ketchup. One little boy spilled his drink and I had to crawl under the table to mop it up. When I stood up I found another little boy sitting in my chair finishing off my dinner.

Later that night, I was telling Missy about what had happened. I told her “I have no idea where all the adults were!” Then it dawned on me: I am an adult. These kids saw Sam and me as “real” adults. It kind of bewilders me, like when Madison’s friends tell me ‘yes ma’am’ or a friend refers to me as ‘Miss Julie’ to her kids. In my head, I still feel like I am 16. Apparently to the rest of the world, I have graduated from a ‘miss’ to a ‘ma’am’. And ma’ams carry a certain authority among all kids, whether they are theirs or not.

Monday, April 18, 2011

It seems like everyday I have a "you have got to be kidding me moment."

Yesterday morning I was woken up very early by the boys trying to pour their own sippy cups. That sounds like a gallon of milk hitting the floor. While I was cleaning the milk up, the boys decided to brush their teeth with mine and Sam's tooth brushes.

We take oral hygene very seriously around here.

A little after midnight this morning we woke up to Noah trying to open pudding cups in the kitchen. After that Sam slept walked all night...including getting a cup of water and dumping it in our bed. Lets just say tonight I am TIRED!

Ever since those late nights and early morning that come with having a newborn, I have been assuring myself that it will get easier someday. I have now come to the conclusion that is never really gets easier, the challenges just change as the boys get older.

Now I just remind myself that one day they will grow up and and move out and I will miss all of these silly things that they do!

Monday, April 11, 2011

The Strong -Willed Child

I recently purchased The Strong-willed Child because, lets face it, I have two strong-willed little boys. Especially Noah. Tonight they found the book and spent the rest of the night fighting over who got to 'read' it.

Saturday, April 09, 2011

Growing into a Gentleman

Charlie is growing up so fast! Today he opened the closet door for me to get the vacuum out, then again when I put it away. He says please (most of the time) and thank you. He told us Jesus love him tonight, then went into a medley of twinkle twinkle little star and the itsy bitsy spider. I love this boy so much! He gets sweeter every day!

What it means to be dressed around here...

Charlie and Noah are pretty particular these days on what it take for them to feel dressed. Charlie HAS to wear tennis shoes and socks..he will not wear sandals at all these days. Noah has to wear shoes if Charlie has shoes they get dressed by 7:30 am most days.

Along with shoes, the boys like to have money in their pockets. I put that on Facebook a few days ago, and Grandma Haag sent the boys these in the mail:

Little envelopes with change! How sweet is that?

The boys like to but their coins in their piggy banks at the end of the day (also a gift from Grandma and Grandpa Haag.)