Sunday, August 28, 2011


Last night I was tucking Charlie into bed and we had the following conversation:
Charlie: Mommy, how do you spell Charlie?
Me: Charlie is spelled C-H-A-R-L-I-E
Charlie: (Clapping) Yay Mommy! You spelled Charlie!! Good Job!

Monday, August 22, 2011

When is a toilet bowl brush not a toilet bowl brush?

When you are using it to scrub your brother's head!

Earlier today I had my friend Tonya and her cutie newborn daughter Natalie over for lunch. While I was feeding and cuddling Natalie the boys were playing upstairs. I didn't think much of it until we heard the water running in the upstairs bathroom. When I went up to investigate I found the boys, naked, in the tub. Charlie was scrubbing Noah with the toilet brush. BOYS!

Saturday, August 13, 2011


So…it has been two and a half months since my last post. The reason for the lack of posts this summer hasn’t been because Charlie and Noah have not been up to doing cute, blog-worthy things. They are as cute and rotten as ever. The combination of being abnormally busy this summer and just not being in the mood to sit down and write are the reasons I have neglected to post.

This afternoon while dusting I was hit with inspiration.

What is that? That would be Noah’s yellow fruit snack.

Noah HATES yellow fruit snacks. It is just one of his quirks. Instead of eating them, he scatters them around the living room. It is kind of a scavenger hunt for Charlie to find them instead of just giving them to him to eat. Noah is probably one of the strongest willed toddlers you will ever meet. He challenges us every day. One thing that comforts me is knowing that as he grows up, he will never be pushed around or peer-pressured by the other kids!

Other news: we had to get a new vacuum. I vacuum two or three times a day, and ours dies last week cleaning up two pounds of powder sugar Noah dumped in the living room. I like that the new vacuum is green, the boys in the house (all three of them) like the retractable cord. Charlie and Noah played with it for a while this morning. Each time the cord whizzed into the vacuum Charlie told me how awesome it was.

And more random news for the week: Isn’t this cute? I made it this week to hang on the front door. Also, I will be going to Michigan at the end of the month to see Corie and her baby girl, due next week. I have had my ticket for a few weeks and it was going to be a big surprise for my parents…but I spilled the beans while talking to my mom last week. Maybe I can surprise her with a visit five years from now.