Wednesday, November 02, 2011

Soap Bubble After Party

After Noah's party Sam and I helped with the clean up. Sam started the dishwasher...

In his defense, the dish soap (right bottle) bottle DOES look a lot like the dishwasher soap (left bottle).

Happy Birthday, Noah!

Happy Third Birthday, Noah! We made it!!!
My two three year olds

Trick or Treat

This was the first year the boys went trick or treating. Folks in Adel take it VERY seriously and many of the houses had a line just to get candy. I am not sure we will participate next year, because I have a hard time waiting in line just to get a sucker. The boys had a good time, and that is all that matters!!

Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Out with the old, in with the new

Well, Sam got his truck. After much debate I realized that we should do something with the Escape before it has a major break down, as it has had several smaller problems in the last few months. We found a good deal in Ashburn, my dad's hometown. The salesman actually graduated with my dad, so that was kind of funny. If Sam was excited to get a new truck, Charlie was off purely gleeful to get a truck.
Noah thought it was pretty cool too.

With any luck, our plan is that this could be the boys' first the time Charlie can drive it will be 12 years old!

Edit: Sam wants me to include details. It is a 2012 Chevy Colorado. Four door crew-cab.